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Finntip 50 Finntip 20





Finntip 50 Finntip 20
9400360 Finntip 50 袋裝,1000/袋
品牌Thermofisher Scientific/賽默飛世爾產地類別進口

Ensure accurate, precise pipetting. Thermo Scientific™ Finntip™ Pipette Tips are manufactured using high quality raw materials and the latest molding techniques. Finntips are designed using our knowledge of liquid handling. Our modern automated production facilities, and our expertise, enable us to produce uniformly smooth, hydrophobic surfaces on the inside and outside of our tips, to prevent liquid retention. 描述
Smooth, uniform surface prevents liquid retention
Volume range from 0.2μL to 10mL
Available sterile or nonsterile
Packaging options include racks, bags, boxes, bulk, and refill packs
Color-coded racks to match the compatible Finnpipette
Color-coding only applies to rack and refill packaging

型號                                        貨號                                              描述                               價格

Finntip 5094003601000/袋499.71 
Finntip 509400370384/盒362.19 
Finntip 509400373384/盒450.41 
Finntip 209400610384/盒326.21 
Finntip 209400613384/盒411.50 
Finntip 2094006201000/袋499.71 


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